This weekend I went to my very first cookie exchange.
It seemed like too much when I was making the cookies.
Perhaps it was, since I'm in the middle of some other over-zealous Christmas project.
But each of us brought a dozen per attendee.
plus a white elephant gift.
I must say, I haven't been so excited for a party in ...what feels like ever.
I am so thankful that Mr. F. just let me spend all day getting ready and
giggling and skating around on my over-exuberance.
{more on white elephant gift exchanges tomorrow}
I got to bring home mounds of cookies.
And now I have something to give each of my neighbors for being the kind who will always let me borrow a cup of sugar or cut some rosemary from their yards because I have not inherited my father's green thumb; rather I kill every single verdant thing
with my grim reaper fingers.
I took my mound of cookies and divided them into these great boxes.
You did alright with these, Martha.
Thanks for saving me some time.
Now, when my little elf wakes up from his nap, we'll go a-deliverin'.
Man o man, too bad I'm not your neighbor for multiple reasons!